Marketo Webhooks allow you to integrate external applications with your Smart Campaigns in Marketo. To do this, you must configure the webhook with the proper settings.

Webhook Name
A name of your choosing.
A description of your choosing.
The URL to your Banjo webhook, in the form
Request Type
Always set to POST.
A JSON template. See example below.
Request Token Encoding  
Set this to JSON so that Marketo properly escapes quotes inside of tokens.
Note: do not wrap your tokens in double quotes if you set this to JSON.
Response type
Always set to JSON.
Example Template:

The JSON object below is an example template for a Marketo Webhook. The contents of the data object will vary, depending on the nature of your product.

	"leadId": {{lead.Id}},
	"sku": {{my.SKU}},
	"qty": 1,
	"address": {
		"name": {{lead.Full Name}},
		"street": {{lead.Address}},
		"city": {{lead.City}},
		"state": {{lead.State}},
		"postcode": {{lead.Postal Code}}
	"data": {
		"name": {{lead.Full Name}},
		"contact_name": {{lead.Sales Rep}},
		"contact_number": {{lead.Sales Phone}},
		"promo": {{my.Promo Code}}

Authorization and Content-Type Headers

In order to successfully access the Platform, Marketo must send a custom header with the proper API credentials. Click "Webhooks Actions > Set Custom Header" and then provide an "Authorization" header. Replace the X's with your API token for Banjo.

To retrieve your Banjo API token, follow these steps:

  • Log in to your instance of Banjo.
  • Navigate to My Account > My API Tokens.
  • Copy one of the API tokens or click the Add New Token button to create a new token.

You must also set the "Content-Type" header to "application/json" otherwise the API will be unable to handle your request.

Example Webhook Integration in a Marketo Campaign

Here, we created a Webhook called "Send Banjo Postcard" to trigger a postcard sent through the Banjo platform. Then, as pictured, inside the "01-Send Invitation" smart campaign, the Webhook is being called. Immediately following the Webhook, the Program Status is updated. This demonstrates how to send a postcard invitation for an event and then track the status in Marketo.